Haoyang Tan

Haoyang Tan

Technical University of Denmark


Academic Background:
2017-2021, B. Sc Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
2021-2024, M. Sc Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University

PhD topic:
My research focuses on high-efficiency, on-chip frequency comb generation using a silicon carbide (SiC) platform. Leveraging the material’s strong second and third order nonlinearities, SiC holds promise for realizing octave-spanning combs and second harmonic generation within a single microresonator, which is crucial for extending the comb into the visible wavelength range. In collaboration with other institutions, we are also working on integrating on-chip pump lasers with SiC comb generators through micro-transfer printing techniques, aiming to apply this visible-wavelength comb to spectroscopy and bio-imaging systems. The final goal is to achieve a stable and robust SiC microcomb generation and implement it to several applications.