Mikael Reichler
EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland
Academic Background:
2019 – 2022, B.Sc Engineering Physics and Mathematics, Aalto University
2022 – 2024, M.Sc Engineering Physics, Aalto University
PhD topic:
My work is focused on the development of highly coherent and frequency-agile photonic integrated lasers, that are the key enabling technology behind many applications of microcombs, ranging from ultra-high bandwidth telecommunications to massively parallel light detection and ranging (LiDAR). Such applications require on-chip lasers that emit light within a narrow wavelength range, i.e., have a narrow linewidth, while being tunable over a wide frequency range at high tuning rates. I aim to achieve this by utilizing the stress-optic and electro-optic effects in material platforms such as silicon nitride and lithium niobate, respectively, while leveraging novel wafer-scale fabrication methods. Combining these low-loss photonic integrated circuit platforms with gain elements such as heterogeneously integrated III-V amplifiers or on-chip erbium implantation will enable low-cost power efficient microcomb-based devices.