Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
Academic Background:
2017 – 2021, B.Sc Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University Darmstadt
2021 – 2023, M.Sc Engineering Physics for Photonics and Microelectronics, Polytechnique Grenoble
2021 – 2024, M.Sc Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University Darmstadt
PhD topic:
My research deals with the realization of octave-spanning super-efficient microcombs on a silicon nitride platform. A microcomb is an optical frequency comb generated on a micro-engineered chip. A ring with a radius of a hundredth of a millimeter acts as a parametric oscillator when pumped with a continuous wave laser. Thus, the power in the ring builds up enabling four-wave mixing and therefore a spectrum of new frequencies is generated. I will study the physics of a promising new topology, called photonic molecule. In this approach I am using an auxiliary ring in addition to the main ring to control the resonances of the device. The goal is to achieve an octave-spanning spectrum suitable for self-referencing while maintaining a free spectral range of 100GHz.